Become an Exhibitor

The 2025 Canadian Underwater Conference & Exhibition (CUCE) will be held at the Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport, in Richmond, British Columbia.  Building on the success of our 12 previous conferences, we expect that the conference will welcome approximately 26 exhibitors, 200 delegates, and 12 speakers.  We invite you to become an Exhibitor.

Full details are provided in the attached pdf document (download available below).


Shipment of Display Materials and Equipment to the Executive Hotel

ARRIVAL DATE FOR SHIPMENTS:  To arrive at the hotel no earlier than Thursday 27 March 2025

Note:  Shipments will not be accepted by the hotel more than two (2) business days prior to the event due to limited storage.


LABEL INFORMATION - Please ensure that all labels include the following information:


Event:  Canadian Underwater Conference & Exhibition
Hotel Representative:  Elaine Cheung (Events Manager)
Date of Event:  30 March - 1 April 2025
Total No. of Boxes in Shipment:  X
Address:  Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport
7311 Westminster Hwy
Richmond BC  V6X 1A3


Click here for Exhibitor Opportunities (pdf document) 

2025 CUCE Exhibitor Opportunities

Click here for Exhibitor Application (pdf document)

2025 CUCE Exhibitor Application

The Canadian Underwater Conference & Exhibition (CUCE) is presented by
the Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC)