2025 Speaker Guidelines
If you would like to speak:
Please send a 100-word abstract of your proposed presentation to Jonathan Chapple (jonathanchapple1@gmail.com) by 21 February 2025. Abstracts should include title, author, affiliation and should specify the presentation format.
The Conference Committee will make final selections by 3 March 2025. If selected, your technical paper should be submitted to the CUCE by 10 March 2025. Presentations and papers may be sent by email to jonathanchapple1@gmail.com or faxed to 902-826-2191.
If your proposal is accepted, we will require an electronic copy of your complete presentation by 10 March 2025. To ensure that you have a copy that will work with our equipment, please bring a copy of your PowerPoint slides, if applicable, on a thumb drive (USB) with you to the conference.
All presentations at the CUCE encourage audience participation as much as possible.
Speakers are encouraged to limit their presentation to 20 - 25 minutes in order to allow for a 5-10 minute Q & A period. If a presentation requires additional time, please contact the Conference Producer or Coordinator to discuss the possibility of a longer time slot.
Participants may speak either from their own notes or with the assistance of a Power Point presentation. Both podium-mounted and hand-held microphones are available.
Your presentation time is 30 minutes only (including time for questions). We ask that you keep to this in order not to disadvantage other speakers or the running of the conference.
We prefer that presentations are suitably neutral or agnostic in nature and do not promote specific equipment brands or models (i.e. "informercials") although this is obviously not possible in every case, especially if you are presenting cutting-edge technology. Please contact the Conference Producer or Coordinator is there is any doubt.
All speakers will receive a complimentary full registration package (including the Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, exhibits, presentations, one ticket to the Awards Banquet, breakfasts and lunches). All Speakers will be registered for the Conference by DCBC staff so no further action is required after your abstract is approved. Your name badge will be available for pick up from the Conference Registration Desk after 1200 on Sunday 30 March.
Additional Information
You will also be asked to provide a brief biography for use in introducing you prior to your presentation (please specify your preferred Prefix/Name/Title/Affiliation) by 10 March 2025.